Make increasing individual and collective intelligence national objectives of education. Promote online life-long learning in anticipation of aging societies and technological change. Increase R&D funding of AI-human symbiotic evolution.

In parallel to STEM education, create self-paced inquiry-based learning for self-actualization that increased focus on developing creativity, critical thinking, human relations, social-emotional abilities, philosophy, entrepreneurship, art, self-employment, ethics, and values (STEAM education, adding A for the Arts).

Begin shift from mastering a profession to mastering combinations of skills.
Teacher training schools should show how different teaching strategies affect neural activity of students’ brains via fMRI and/or other means as they teach.

Explore alternative models of education and learning (both Finland and South Korea score top in the world but have quite different systems).
Implement insights from the Global Learning XPrize for children to teach themselves basic reading, writing, and arithmetic within 18 months.
Education and Learning 2030: the following graph shows the likelihood of education and learning possibilities by 2030 as judged by an International Panel of The Millennium Project. A rating of 50 on the likelihood scale would mean that there is a 50% chance the possibility will occur by 2030—in other words, that it is just as likely to occur as not to occur.

An assessment of how each possibility could turn out positively and negatively as well as who will help it to occur and who might hinder it is presented in the Education and Learning 2030 study, available in the Global Futures Intelligence System (, under “Research”. Source: